martes, 22 de marzo de 2011

The Groups Drawings

Here is a collection of photographs showing are drawings, each individual of the group spent roughly 11minutes on so approximately for one drawing it would have taken 33minutes; So each drawing consists of the hands and minds of Jake, Mike and Dong , it is very much a collaboration.

I like looking at the drawings from how they evolve from starting off from one person and then taking a different route, for example a drawing I made dong turned 180 degress and finished it that way.

Here was are first trial. The reference which inspired us was a Daniel Richter painting which inspired us. We like how we transformed it into something new.

The top three drawings were made being inspired by the drawings made so the image became more free. I think the fact that they are in pencil adds to the impact as only the expression in the mark makes the interest, if we used colour it could become a bit of a mess. 

Post: Jake

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