lunes, 28 de febrero de 2011

Are groups foundational idea is for three painters Jake Laffoley, Mike Sharp and Dong Lee to make paintings (possibly a triptych) in which we all paint on the paintings. We are excited by the possibilities this shall hopefully create as the works will have a collective identity. Currently I am excited by Daniel Richeters paintings as they depict strange landscapes which dont follow conventions in terms of colour and concept. His unique paintings have led me to be intrigued to see what would happen if three people made a landscape painting. An inspiring montage of Daniel Richters paintings.

To make are work I thought it would be interesting if we used source material from possibly other paintings  or artworks as an aid to let are paintings develop in reference to a landscape. I photographed this John Constable drawing at the New Art Gallery Walsall as I thought it could be of use to are group. The marks also that render this tree are very intricate and beautiful.

Post by Jake

The New Art Gallery Walsall. Visit by Jake

John Constable (1776-1837) Ash Tree, Pencil drawing. In the Galleries Trees room.
Futher information will be added shortly.